We are recruiting MSc and PhD students, as well as young postdocs. If you are interested please contact us.
• 2022-present: Alfonso Balmori, postdoc at CIBIO and University of Salamanca (Main Mentor/Supervisor)
• 2022-present: Piere Barry, postdoc at CIBIO (Main Mentor/Supervisor)
• 2022-present: Maria Magalhães, technician at CIBIO (Main Supervisor)
• 2024- Lília Campos: internship student at the University of Porto (Main Supervisor)
Concluded (4 research technicians, 3 BSc students, 7 MSc students, 1 student Leonardo da Vinci program (with a MSc), 3 PhD students and 1 postdoc)
• 2019-2024: James Reeve, PhD student at the University of Gothenburg (Co-supervisor)
• 2018-2024: João Carvalho, PhD student at Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Lisbon (Co-supervisor)
• 2023-2024: Isabel Monreal, technician at CIBIO (Main Supervisor)
• 2022-2023: André Silva, internship student at the University of Porto (Main Supervisor)
• 2021-2022: André Pires, MSc student at the University of Porto (Main Supervisor)
• 2019-2020: Diana Costa, technician at CIIMAR, University of Porto (Main supervisor)
• 2013-2018: Sree Rohit Raj Kolora, PhD student at the Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Univ. of Leipzig, Germany (Co-supervisor)
• 2017-2018. Sam Fenton, MSc Student at APS, Univ. of Sheffield (Co-supervisor)
• 2014 - 2016. Graciela Sotelo, postdoctoral at CIBIO, Univ. of Porto (Main supervisor)
• 2014 - 2016. Diana Costa, MSc student at the Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Porto (Main supervisor)
• 2013-2014. Sofia Abrunheiro, undergraduate student at the Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Porto (Main supervisor)
• 2012 - 2014. Graciela Sotelo, research technician. CIBIO, Univ. of Porto (Main supervisor)
• 2012 - 2014. Andreia Reis, MSc student at the Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Porto (Co-supervisor)
• 2012 - 2014. João Carvalho, MSc student at the Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Lisbon (Main supervisor)
• 2012. Ana Raquel Marçal (MsC). Internship Leonardo da Vinci. Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal (Main supervisor)
• 2011 - 2012. Teresa Muiños Lago, lab technician. University of Vigo, Spain (Main supervisor)
• 2010 - 2011. Diana Costa, undergraduate student at the Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Porto (Main supervisor)
• 2010 - 2012. Tiago Carvalho, MSc student at Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Porto (Co-supervisor)
• 2009 - 2010. Sandra Neto, MSc student at Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Porto (Main supervisor)