Communications in conferences, courses and seminars
1. Talks, as Invited speaker
2025. Talk as invited speaker in the conference "Lausanne Genomics Days" University of Lausanne, Switzerland (to happen in February). Talk on "Understanding the evolutionary significance of chromosomal inversions: insights from Littorina marine snails"2025
2024. Talk as invited speaker in the SEEM seminars "Séminaires d'Écologie et d'Évolution de Montpellier" Université of Montpellier, France. Talk on "Understanding the evolutionary significance of chromosomal inversions in adaptation and speciation in Littorina marine snails"
2024. Talk as invited speaker in the conference "Evolution of recombination landscapes. Facilitating adaptation?" Universität of Bern, Switzerland. Talk on "Inversions + reduced recombination in adaptation and speciation"
2022. Invited seminar entitled: "Solving the mystery of one of the most misidentified marine organism in the world (seminar at MAPAS). CITEXVI, University of Vigo, Spain)
2021. Invited seminar entitled: The role of inversions in diversification of Littorina intertidal gastropods (seminar at the University of Bodo, Norway)
2021. Invited seminar entitled: "The role of inversions in diversification of Littorina intertidal gastropods." Encontros Scientia. CE3C, Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
2021. Invited seminar entitled "Adaptation and Speciation on the beach: solving the mystery of one of the most misidentified marine organisms in the world" at the Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology, Plentzia Marine Station, University of the Basque country, Spain.
2020. Presentation and discussion of my publication on Molecular Ecology (Faria et al 2019) with MSc students (online) from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
2013-2020. Talk on "Speciation Genomics". Programming for Evolutionary Biology Course, Leipzig, Germany (eight editions)
2019. Conversa com Cientista. Escola Ciência Viva, Parque Biologico de Gaia, Portugal (Talk for kids)
2015. Talk entitled: Finding islands of divergence on raising sea levels. Seminar at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain
2014. Talk entitled: Genómica e a Origem das Espécies – II AEICBAS Biomedical Congress. ICBAS, Porto, Portugal
2014. Talk entitled: Diversification in flat periwinkles: genotypes, phenotypes and processes. 16th Portugaliae Genetica conference – Evolution @ interacting levels: from molecules to populations. IPATIMUP, Porto, Portugal
2013. Café com Ciência. Fundação Serralves (Talk for general public)
2012. The genetic mechanisms of parallel evolution in Littorina fabalis and L. obtusata. Invited seminar at the University of Vigo, Spain
2012. Mechanisms of speciation: lessons from aquatic organisms. Seminar at CIIMAR, University of Porto, Portugal
2011. How repeatable is evolution? Lessons from marine snails (L. fabalis and L. obtusata). Seminar at ECIMAT (Marine Sciences Station of Toralla), Spain
2011. Chromosomal speciation: theoretical models and empirical evidence. Invited seminar at the University of Leipzig, Germany
2011. Chromosomal speciation: theoretical models, empirical evidence and model organisms. 14th Portugaliae Genetica Conference – Model Organisms: humans et al. IPATIMUP, Portugal
2007. Faria, R, Sabatino S, Saura M. Genetic tools for fish conservation. International Workshop on the Restoration of Fish Populations. Düsseldorf, Germany
2007. Faria R, Weiss S, Alexandrino P. Comparative phylogeography of Eurasian shads (Alosa spp.). Seminar at IRTA (Research and Technology Food and Agriculture) – Tarragona, Spain
2. Other talks (talks as non-invited speaker)
Rui Faria - The evolutionary relevance of chromosomal rearrangements in adaptation and speciation in Littorina marine snails. Mollusc Genomics 2024. Namur, Belgium (2024)
Rui Faria - The evolutionary significance of chromosomal rearrangements in adaptation and speciation. Short talk on the IV IMPSG - INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF THE PORTUGUESE SOCIETY OF GENETICS, Braga, Portugal (2023)
Rui Faria - The Stone Raft: using population genomics to understand the evolutionary processes shaping Littorina diversity in Iberian Peninsula (2023) XIII International Symposium on Littorinid Biology and Evolution, Vila do Conde, Portugal.
Rui Faria - Phenotypic evolution of the marine gastropod Littorina obtusata across an environmental gradient at high latitudes”. Workshop on Eco-evolutionary dynamic during environmental change (2023, online)
Francesca Raffini, Aurélien de Jode, Anja M. Westram, Emilio Rolán-Alvarez, Juan Galindo, Kerstin Johannesson, Rui Faria, Roger Butlin (2022) Whole-genome sequencing across the intertidal gradient reveals strong reproductive isolation between Spanish Littorina saxatilis ecotypes. SESBE, Vigo, Spain.
Rui Faria -The importance of chromosomal rearrangements in the evolution of marine organisms (2021) CEMEB Assembly. Tjarno, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Rui Faria, Anja Westram, Hernan Morales, Pragya Chaube, Mark Ravinet, Tomas Larsson, Marina Panova, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin (2018) A role for chromosomal rearrangements in ecotype evolution in Littorina saxatilis. Programming for Evolutionary Biology, Buttermere, Lake District, UK.
Rui Faria, Anja Westram, Pragya Chaube, Hernan Morales, Tomas Larsson, Marina Panova, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin (2018) Detection of chromosomal rearrangements in Littorina saxatilis: insights from a hybrid zone. PopGroup51, Bristol, UK.
Faria R, Chaube P, Larsson T, Morales H, Panova M, Westram AM, Johannesson K, Butlin R (2017) Detection of chromosomal rearrangements in Littorina saxatilis: implications for ecotype divergence. XII International Symposium on Littorinid Biology and Evolution, Tjarno, Sweden.
Faria R, Nowick K (2015) Programming for Evolutionary Biology Course: Past, Present and Future. Programming for Evolutionary Biology Conference, CIBIO, Vairão, Portugal.
Faria R, Rambla J, Feder J, Navarro A (2012) On the parameter space of chromosomal speciation – a simulation framework. First Evolution Joint Congress. Ottawa, Canada.
Faria R, Kemppainen P (2011) The paths of parallel evolution and their genetic crossroads: lessons from Littorina fabalis. X Isolbe, International Symposium on Littorinid Biology and Evolution. St. Petersburg, Russia.
Faria R (2010) Chromosomal speciation revisited: rearranging theory with pieces of evidence. Frontiers of Speciation (FroSpects). Evolution of reproductive isolation: models and empirical evidence. Prague, Czech Republic.
Faria R, Baird SJE, Alexandrino P (2007) The role of introgression in evolution: Nature finding a way (when maths is done with shads: 1+1=2 but 2-1>1). 3rd Portuguese meeting of evolutionary biology. Gulbenkian Science Institute, Portugal.
Faria R, Pinheiro A, Rodrigues J, Fernando O, Weiss S, Alexandrino P (2007) Hybridisation between two fish species (Alosa alosa and A. fallax): nature finding a way. TiBE – Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution. CIBIO, Portugal.
Faria R, Weiss S, Alexandrino P (2007) Comparative phylogeography and demographic history of Eurasian shads (Alosa spp.): evidence from multiple markers. XII European congress of Ichthyology. Cavtat, Croatia.
Faria R, Baird SJE, Alexandrino P (2007) Hybridisation dynamics between two fish species (Alosa alosa and A. fallax): nature finding a way. XII European congress of Ichthyology, Cavtat, Croatia.
Faria R, Pinheiro A, Rodrigues J, Fernando O, Weiss S, Alexandrino P (2005) Hybridisation patterns between two fish species (Alosa alosa and A. fallax): nature finding a way. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Jagiellonian University, Poland.
Faria R, Fernando O, Weiss S, Alexandrino P (2004) Evolutionary patterns of two closely related clupeid species (A. alosa and A. fallax). Evolution Annual meeting. Colorado State University, USA.
3. Posters presented in attended conferences (poster as presenter or last author underlined)
Martinez, I; Barry, P; Magalhães, M; Vasconcelos, D; Campos, L; Perera, A; Sá-Pinto, X; Xavier, R; Faria, R; Pinho, C. Evolution on our heads: disentangling mechanisms of diversification in human lice. XX National meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, Vila do Conde, Portugal (2024).
Barry, P; Choo, LQ; Le Moan, A; Reeve, J; Stankowski, S; Westram, AM; Johannesson K; Butlin, Roger K; Faria, R. Understanding the evolutionary history of inversions and their role in speciation and adaptation across the Littorina marine snails genus. XX National meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, Vila do Conde, Portugal (2024).
Balmori-De-La-Puente, A; De Jode, A; Galindo, J ; Rólan-Alvares, E; Westram, AM; Johannesson, K; Butlin, R; Faria, R. Different genetic patterns of introgression across multiple hybrid zones of Littorina saxatilis in the Iberia Peninsula. XX National meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, Vila do Conde, Portugal (2024).
Pierre Barry, Alfonso Balmori, Isabel Monreal, Maria Magalhães, Aurélien De Jode, Francesca Raffini, James Reeve, Anja Westram, Kerstin Johannesson, Juan Galindo, Roger Butlin, Rui Faria, & the Littorina team (2023) The role of chromosomal inversions in reproductive isolation across the speciation continuum in Littorina saxatilis. XIX National meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, Lisbon, Portugal.
Rui Faria, Aurélien De Jode , Francesca Raffini , James Reeve, Pierre Barry, Alfonso Balmori, Anja Westram, Juan Galindo, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin (2023) and the Littorina team; IV IMPSG - INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF THE PORTUGUESE SOCIETY OF GENETICS, Braga, Portugal (2023).
Pierre Barry, Aurélien De Jode, Alfonso Balmori, Francesca Raffini, James Reeve, Anja Westram, Juan Galindo, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin, Rui Faria and the Littorina team (2023) Understanding the role of chromosomal inversions in reproductive isolation across the speciation continuum in Iberian Littorina saxatilis. Gordon Conference in Speciation, Lucca, Italy (2023)
Pedro Andrade, José Marques, André Pires, Maria Magalhães, Roger Butlin, Kerstin Johannesson, Emílio Rolán-Alvarez, Miguel Carneiro, Juan Galindo, Rui Faria (2022) Is shell colour polymorphism in Littorina marine gastropods associated with chromosomal inversions? XVIII Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva, Braga, Portugal.
Pedro Andrade, José Marques, André Pires, Maria Magalhães, Roger Butlin, Kerstin Johannesson, Emílio Rolán-Alvarez, Miguel Carneiro, Juan Galindo, Rui Faria (2022) Is shell colour polymorphism in Littorina marine gastropods associated with chromosomal inversions? TiBE 2022- The Biology of Colour, Vila do Conde, Portugal.
Pedro Andrade, José Marques, André Pires, Roger Butlin, Kerstin Johannesson, Emílio Rolán-Alvarez, Miguel Carneiro, Juan Galindo, Rui Faria (2022) Is shell colour polymorphism in Littorina marine gastropods associated with chromosomal inversions? ESEB 2022, Prague, Czechia.
Rui Faria, Anja Westram, Sean Stankowski, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin and the Littorina team (2021). Comparing direct measures of reproductive isolation with genetic patterns: Insights from Littorina. ESEB satellite symposium, Vienna, Austria.
Faria R, Anja M. Westram, Pragya Chaube, Hernan Morales, Francesca Raffini, Sean Stankowski, Katherine Hearn, Tomas Larsson, Marina Panova, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin (2019). Littorina saxatilis: a model to study the role of chromosomal inversions in adaptation and speciation. Pearls of wisdom: synergising leadership and expertise in molluscan genomics. Royal Society Centre, Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire, UK.
José Marques, Juan Galindo, Diana Costa, Sandra Afonso, Emilio Rólan-Alvarez, Miguel Carneiro, Faria R (2019). Genetic and evolutionary basis of shell coloration in two sister species of marine snails, Littorina fabalis and L. obtusata. XV Portuguese meeting on Evolutionary Biology.
Diana Costa, Graciela Sotelo, Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou, João Carvalho, Roger Butlin, Johan Hollander, Faria R (2019). Hybridization patterns between two marine snails, Littorina fabalis and L. obtusata. XV Portuguese meeting on Evolutionary Biology.
Rui Faria, Anja Westram, Hernan Morales, Pragya Chaube, Mark Ravinet, Tomas Larsson, Marina Panova, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin (2018) A role for chromosomal rearrangements in ecotype evolution in Littorina saxatilis. II Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Montpellier, France.
Faria R, Chaube P, Larsson T, Morales H, Panova M, Westram AM, Johannesson K, Butlin R (2017). Detection of chromosomal rearrangements in Littorina saxatilis: implications for ecotype divergence. XVI European Society for Evolutionary Biology Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Gazda MA, Andrade P, Afonso S, Dilyte J, Archer JP, Lopez R, Faria R, Carneiro M (2017) Widespread signatures of selection on standing variation for athletic performance and navigation in racing pigeons. XVI European Society for Evolutionary Biology Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Moutinho AF, Serén N, Paupério J, Faria R, Sotelo G, Brito JC, Martínez-Freiría F, Alves PC, Mappes T, Boratynski Z (2017) Reproductive isolation? New insights into the speciation process between Jaculus jaculus and J. hirtipes. XVI European Society for Evolutionary Biology Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Faria R, Costa D, Sotelo G, Kaliontzopoulou A, Butlin R, Reid D, Bianchi G, Westram A, Duvaux L, Montano-Rendon M, Xi Y, Hollander J (2017) Hybridization patterns between sister-species of marine periwinkles (Gastropoda). Gordon Research Conference- Speciation, Lucca, Italy.
Costa D, Sotelo G, Kaliontzopoulou A, Butlin K, Hollander J, Faria R (2017) Insights into the extent of hybridization between flat periwinkles (Gastropoda) in the Iberian Peninsula. Gordon Research Conference on Speciation, Lucca, Italy.
Costa D, Sotelo G, Kaliontzopoulou A, Butlin R, Hollander J, Faria R (2017) Insights into the extent of hybridization between flat periwinkles (Gastropoda) in the Iberian Peninsula. PopGroup50, Cambridge, UK.
Costa D, Sotelo G, Kaliontzopoulou A, Butlin R, Hollander J, Faria R (2016) Insights into the extent of hybridization between flat periwinkles (Gastropoda) in the Iberian Peninsula. XII Encontro de Biologia Evolutiva, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal.
Carvalho J, Galindo G, Sotelo G, Costa D, Faria R (2015) Ecologically driven divergence between multiple populations of the marine snail Littorina fabalis. ESEB 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Kolora R, Weigert A, Bleidorn C, Stadler P, Henle K, Faria R, Nowick K, Schlegel M (2015) An insight into Lacertid speciation through the comparative genomics of Lacerta viridis and L. bilineata. ESEB 2015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Serén N, Brito JC, Watts PC, Faria R, Mappes T, Boratynski Z (2015) Ecological adaptation of a desert-specialist, on the edge of life. ESEB 2015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Carvalho J, Galindo J, Sotelo G, Costa D, Faria R (2015) The paths of parallel evolution in Littorina fabalis and their genetic crossroads. Gordon Research Conference on Speciation, Ventura CA, USA.
Kolora R, Weigert A, Gerth M, Stadler P, Sayoun A, Henle K, Faria R, Bleidorn C, Nowick K, Schlegel M (2014) An NGS-based approach for the comparison of lizard species to detect genomic divergence and rearrangements. NGS2014, CRG, Barcelona, Spain.
Abrunheiro S, Sotelo G, Costa D, Faria R (2014) Study of ecological adaptation in Littorina fabalis. IJUP, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Sotelo G, Costa D, Duvetorp M, Panova M, Johannesson K, Faria R (2013) Phylogeographic history of the flat periwinkles, Littorina fabalis and L. Obtusata. ESEB 2013, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
Galindo J, Carvalho J, Pereira C, Kempainnen P, Sotelo G, Faria R (2013) Ecologically driven morphological and genetic divergence between sheltered and exposed populations of the marine snail Littorina fabalis. ESEB 2013, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
Varela SAM, Marçal R, Altenrath C, Carvalho J, Costa D, Lago T, Galindo J, Rolán-Alvarez E, Faria R (2013) Habitat choice in the flat periwinkle (Littorina fabalis) Iberian ecotypes: an experimental approach. ESEB 2013, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
Sotelo G, Costa D, Carvalho J, Pereira C, Abrunheiro S, Varela S, Kemppainen P, Galindo J, Faria R (2013) The paths of parallel evolution in the flat periwinkles: preliminary results. Speciation2013 - Frospects, Montpellier, France.
Sotelo G, Costa D, Carvalho J, Pereira C, Abrunheiro S, Varela S, Kemppainen P, Galindo J, Faria R (2013) The paths of parallel evolution in the flat periwinkles (work in progress). Advances in Ecological Speciation. CIBIO, Portugal.
Costa D, Sotelo G, Lago T, Varela S, Faria R (2012) Genetic and morphological differentiation between Littorina fabalis ecotypes in Iberian Peninsula: preliminary results. TIBE2012 – Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution. CIBIO, Portugal.
Carvalho J, Altenrath C, Costa D, Faria R, Varela SAM (2012) The role of habitat choice in ecotype formation in the flat periwinkle Littorina fabalis: an experimental approach. National Congress of Ethology. Lisbon, Portugal.
Faria R, Rambla J, Neto S, Nowick K, Navarro A (2012) The impact of small versus large chromosomal rearrangements in sequence and expression divergence. XI Bioinformatics Symposium. Barcelona, Spain.
Neto S, Nowick K, Faria R (2011) The role of small versus large chromosomal rearrangements in sequence and expression divergence of Great Apes. VII Portuguese Meeting on Evolutionary Biology. Coimbra, Portugal.
Sotelo G, Andree KB, López MA, Alexandrino P, Gisbert E, Faria R (2011) The puzzling natural recolonization of river Ebro by Twaite shads: tilting at windmills? TIBE2011 – Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution. CIBIO, Portugal.
Altenrath C, Costa D, Varela S, Faria R (2011) The role of habitat choice in ecotype formation in the flat periwinkle Littorina fabalis: preliminary results. TIBE2011, Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution. CIBIO, Portugal.
Altenrath C, Costa D, Varela S, Faria R (2011) The role of habitat choice in ecotype formation in the flat periwinkle Littorina fabalis: preliminary results. VII Portuguese Meeting on Evolutionary Biology. Coimbra, Portugal.
Faria R, Baird SJE, Galindo J, Rolán-Alvarez E, Sá-Pinto A, Martínez-Fernández et al (2010) The paths of parallel evolution and their genetic crossroads. TIBE2010 – Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution. CIBIO, Portugal.
Faria R, Navarro A (2010) Chromosomal speciation revisited: rearranging theory with pieces of evidence. TIBE2010 – Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution. CIBIO, Portugal.
Neto S, Nowick K, Navarro A, Baird SJE, Faria R (2010) The importance of chromosomal rearrangements in sequence and gene expression divergence of great apes. TIBE2010 – Trends in Biodiversity and Evoltuion. CIBIO, Portugal.
Sotelo G, Fedorenko L, Mezhzherin S, Vasileva E, Turan C, Alexandrino P, Faria R (2010) Diversification of Ponto-Caspian shads: how much introgression? TIBE2010 – Trends in Biodiversity and Evoltuion. CIBIO, Portugal.
Neto S, Nowick K, Navarro A, Baird SJE, Faria R (2010) Genomic distribution of gene expression differences between primate species: the importance of chromosomal rearrangements. Frontiers of Speciation (FroSpects). Evolution of reproductive isolation: models and empirical evidence. Prague, Czech Republic.
Faria R, Farré D, Neto S, Darré F, Gazave E, Fernando O, Oliva M, Navarro, A (2010) The genomic distribution of nucleotide substitution rates in great apes. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Annual Meeting. Lyon, France.
Neto S, Nowick K, Farre D, Navarro A, Baird SJE, Faria R (2010) The genomic distribution of divergence rates in great apes with special focus on chromosomal rearrangements: preliminary results. Portugaliae Genetica – Genome in pieces, IPATIMUP, Portugal.
Andree KA, López MA, Faria R, Gisbert E (2009) A genetic analysis of a recently rediscovered population of the anadromous twaite shad (Alosa fallax) in the Ebro River, Spain (western Mediterranean). International Workshop on the Restoration of Fish Populations. Düsseldorf, Germany.
Faria R, Sotelo G, Fedorenko L, Mezhzherin S, Vasileva E, Turan C, Alexandrino P (2009) Diversification of Eurasian shads: how much introgression? Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Turin, Italy.
Faria R, Navarro A (2009) Chromosomal speciation: from theory to facts. Evolutionary biology 2009: phylogeny, speciation, co-evolution, development, genomes, life histories, plasticity… What is new? Rennes, France.
Faria R, Alexandrino P (2008) Evolutionary history of Eurasian shads (Alosa spp.). Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Annual Meeting. Barcelona, Spain.
Faria R, Pinheiro A, Alexandrino P (2005) Evolutionary history of European species of the genus Alosa: phylogenetic relationships, phylogeographic patterns and hybridization between closely related species. I Portuguese Meeting for Evolutionary Biology (ENBE). IGC, Oeiras, Portugal.
Maia C, Araújo R, Faria R, Valente A (2000) Trout (Salmo trutta) movements in river Estorãos (Lima basin). Freshwater Fish Conservation: options for the future. Algarve, Portugal.A