(after PhD)
Currently Running
As Main Beneficiary/Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator
FCT funded research project "Ancient GEnomics of Speciation and hybridisation". Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Joel Alves, University of Oxford, UK and CIBIO, UP)
FCT funded research project "The role of chromosomal inversions in adaptation and reproductive isolation across the speciation continuum- INVcontinuum". Principal Investigator (~246,000 euros)
FCT CEEC individual contract with a project "INVironment - The role of chromosomal rearrangements in adaptation to environmental changes"
As team member (ongoing)
• 2023-2028
Evolution of sexual isolation (PI: Thomas Broquet, Station Biologique de Roscoff, funded by ANR, France)
• 2023-2026
The evolution of barriers to gene flow between ecotypes of a marine snail, their genomic architecture and the homogenizing effect of
introgression (PI: Juan Galindo, University of Vigo, funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain)
• 2023-2026
A paso de caracol: En busca de la base genética de la biodiversidad, adaptación y resiliencia en regiones singulares y hábitats únicos (PI: Juan Galindo, University of Vigo, funded by Ministerio para la transición ecológica y el reto demográfico, Spain)
• 2023-2025
Using the Ancestral Recombination Graph to understand the Evolution of structural variants and their role in ecological speciation (PI: Pierre Alexandre Gagnaire, Université of Montpellier, funded by the Biopolis Teaming)
FCT funded research project "Evolution on our heads: disentangling mechanisms of diversification in human lice." (PI: Catarina Pinho, CIBIO, UP)
FCT funded research project "Biotic interactions in a changing world – how marine foundation species determine biodiversity across environmental gradients" (PI: Cátia Monteiro, CIBIO, UP)
As Main Beneficiary/Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator
Leverhulme Trust funded research project "The roles of chromosomal inversions in polymorphism, adaptation and speciation" Co-Principal Investigator (PI. Roger Butlin, University of Sheffield, ~142,000 pounds)
EEA grant - bilateral funding for the project "Technical Cooperation for Studying Adaptation to Environmental Change - Adaptchange". Principal Investigator
Assemble PLUS support to the project "Detecting gene flow between French and Spanish populations of Littorina species: filling the Biscay Bay gap” (access to infrastructure in PiE, Plentzia, Basq Country; and Roscoff Marine Station). Principal Investigator.
Assemble PLUS support to the project "The genetic and evolutionary basis of colour polymorphism in Littorina fabalis” (Principal Investigator - access to infrastructure in ECIMAT, Vigo, Spain). Principal Investigator.
Research Project led by Johan Hollander (University of Lund, Sweden) funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR): "Speciation: genital divergence and the evolution of reproductive isolation. Co-Principal Investigator. Main role: NGS/genomic data analyses.
Marie Curie IF fellowship - European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 706376 (~195,000 €). Title: "Chromosomal rearrangements and diversification on environmental gradients".
Research Project “Accelerated evolution in chromosomal rearrangements and speciation in lacertid lizards”. Funded by iDiv - German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research. (Co- Principal Investigator: ~120,000 €)
Assemble EU FP7 support to the project "OBTUSALIS - Genetic differentiation and hybridization between flat periwinkles in Swedish shores” (Principal Investigator - access to infrastructure in the Marine station at Tjarno, Gothenburg University)
Grant by the European Science Foundation (via FROSPECTS) for the organization of the symposium "Genomic Islands: their role in adaptation and speciation" in the ESEB 2013 meeting ( held in Lisbon, Portugal (Main organizer: 3,000 €)
Grant by the European Science Foundation (via FROSPECTS) for the organization of the conference "Advances in Ecological Speciation" held in CIBIO-University of Porto, Vairão, Portugal (Main organizer: 3,000 €)
Postdoctoral fellowship from FCT (SFRH/BPD/89313/2012). Title: “The genomic architecture of speciation: insights from simulations and empirical data on flat periwinkles”.
Grant by the VolkswagenStiftung to organize the course “Programming for Evolutionary Biology” in Leipzig, Germany (Co-organized with Katja Nowick, University of Leipzig, Germany): ~66,000 €).
Portugal-Germany (DAAD-FCT) bilateral project “Genomic distribution of nucleotide and gene expression divergence in mammals: the role of chromosomal rearrangements in speciation” - (Principal Investigator with Katja Nowick, University of Leipzig)
Assemble EU FP7 support to the project “Study of genetic and ecological mechanisms involved in the formation of Littorina fabalis ecotypes in Sweden”(Principal Investigator - access to infrastructure in the Marine station at Tjarno, Gothenburg University)
FCT research project (PTDC/BIA-EVF/113805/2009) - (Principal Investigator: ~185,000 €). Title: "The paths of parallel evolution and their genetic crossroads".
Postdoctoral fellowship from FCT (SFRH/BPD/26384/2006). Title: "the role of chromosomal rearrangements in adaptation and speciation".
Main research projects as team member since 2015
Research Project led by Roger Butlin (University of Sheffield, UK) funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR): "The contribution of inversion polymorphism to local adaptation and speciation. Main collaborator (Main role: NGS/genomic data analyses testing the evolutionary of chromosomal rearrangements)
ERC Advanced Grant to Roger Butlin (University of Sheffield, UK) from the European Commission on "The evolution of barriers to gene exchange". Collaborator (Main role: testing the evolutionary of chromosomal rearrangements)
•2016-2020. “Causes and consequences of the mating preference evolution in the wild”. PI: Prof. Emilio Rolan- Alvarez, University of Vigo. Funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain.