Summary and Goals
Funded by

The ADAPTCHANGE bilateral initiative established a network of institutions involved in research and outreach from Portugal, Iceland and Norway to develop a strategic cooperation program built on three complementary pillars:
i) technical cooperation – implementation of a research project aiming to assess the mechanisms adaptation of different species to rapid environmental change;
ii) capacity building - organization of technical workshops on topics of interest to all partners;
iii) program for science dissemination – sharing good practices on effective science dissemination initiatives in schools and joint organization of a showcase about adaptation to climate change for kids particularly focused on protecting the biodiversity living in our oceans.
ADAPTCHANGE will not only contribute to implement more effective conservation measures but also to increase the scientific literacy of local communities about our oceans and inspire them to actively engage in contending one of major societal challenge of our times (i.e. climate change).
Main partners and Teams


CIIMAR, Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Matosinhos, Porto- Leading institution
Rui Faria, Cátia Monteiro, André Pires, Filipe Casto

Escola Ciência Viva da Camara Municipal de Gaia (Parque Biológico de Gaia)- Partner institution
Francisco Saraiva, Rita Peixoto


University of Iceland, Reykjavík- Partner institution
Snæbjörn Plásson
Flyer of the announcement of the 2nd session of the workshop (March 2023). Programme line up with the list of speakers, title talks, followed by discussion.


Nord University, Bodo, Norway Partner institution
Joost Raeymakers, Anja Westram, Ana Peris
Main activities
15. Workshop on Adaptation to Climate change in Vila do Conde, July 2023

14. Second field expedition in Iceland
In June 2023 we sampled Littorina obtusata from the southeast of Iceland until the North.

13. Outreach activity in the elementary school Arroteia, Valbom Portugal
Today, 27th of January 2023, Rui Faria (Portuguese team) went to the Arroteia elementary school, explaining what is being an evolutionary biologist. Kids were amazing.....tons of questions

12. André Pires (Portuguese team) defended is master thesis in bioinformatics with success!!
André benefited from the training received during the project and made use of the collected samples to do his master thesis. We wish you the best for the future André!

11. Workshop for researchers on Eco-evolutionary dynamics during environmental change. Session 2

10. Outreach activity in the Agrupamento de Escolas do Mindelo, Vila do Conde, Portugal

With the in-situ participation of members of the Portuguese and the Icelandic (Snæbjörn Pálsson) teams

9. Workshop for researchers on Eco-evolutionary dynamics during environmental change. Session 1
21 Participants
Rui Faria, CIBIO, Portugal; Cátia Monteiro, CIBIO, Portugal; Pierre Barry, CIBIO, Portugal; Alfonso Balmori, CIBIO, Portugal; Ana Peris, Nord University, Norway; Bingqian Han, Nord University, Norway; Anja Westram, Nord University, Norway; Joost Raeymaekers, Nord University, Norway; Áki Jarl Láruson, University of Iceland; Snæbjörn Pálsson, University of Iceland; April Blakeslee, East Carolina University, USA; Marlene Jahnke, Gothenburg University, Sweden; Daniel Estevez-Barcia, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Greenland; Juan Galindo, University of Vigo, Spain; Roger Butlin, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; João Carvalho, University of Lisbon, Portugal;
Le Qin Choo, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; Carolyn Tepolt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA; Rita da Silva, CIBIO, Portugal; Roberto Arbore, CIBIO Portugal; Sean Stankowski, ISTA, Austria.

Flyer of the workshop announcement, including the Programme of the 1st session
Presentations and discussions
8. Sampling in the center of Portugal
Participants from the Norwegian (Ana Peris) and the Portuguese (Rui Faria) sampling in Portuguese shores

7. Showcase/Workshop for children at Parque Biológico de Gaia, Escola de Ciência Viva, Gaia, May 2022 (Day of Biodiversity).
With the participation of two Portuguese teams (CIIMAR: Rui Faria, Francisco Arenas, Sabrina Carli and André Pires; and from the Escola de Ciência Viva do Parque Biológico de Gaia: Francisco Saraiva, Rita Peixoto et al), and the Norwegian team (Ana Peris).

Flyer, poster and pictures from the different stations

The first station was showing live biodiversity on the Portuguese shores; the second, an experiment about ocean acidification due to Co2 emissions, and consequences for shelled organisms; the third, an experiment to understand which snails were quicker coming out of their shells, once poke; the fourth, was a memory card game with pictures of marine snails and ecosystems, with the possibility of painting the inside of a snail; the fifth, was a shell cracker to test which snails were more resistant to breakage; and sixth, a station where participants could play a game about the evolution of snails under crab predation.

Participation in the course and field trips during his internship
6. Internship of a Master student from the Portuguese team (André Pires) at Nord University, BODO, Norway, February-March 2022

Workshop organized within the framework of ADAPTCHANGE.

Fantastic list of instructors and 10 sections!

Final photo with participants and organizers!

Enthusiastic Environment

5. Workshop in Genomics organized by the Norwegian partners (Joost Raeymakers, Anja Westram and Ana Peris) at the Nord University, BODO, February 2022

1. Sampling of flat periwinkles in Iceland (with Snæbjörn Plásson), August 2021

Map and pictures from sample sites from where we collected flat periwinkles

Interesting Icelandic places and landscaps observed during sampling trips

Map and pictures from sample sites from where we collected flat periwinkles within the framework of this project (yellow pins)

The target species and its main predator

2. Sampling of flat periwinkles in North Norway (with Anja Westram, Joost Rayemakers and Cátia Monteiro), September 2021

Seminar at Nord University and visit to the extreme north of continental Europe

3. Participation on the European Researchers Night - Porto, September 2021

Stand where we presented live snails of the target species, a video about speciation and the Adaptchange project
Within the framework of ADAPTCHANGE, members of the Portuguese team presenting problems related with ocean acidification, pollution and climate change. Children were able to see the effect of CO2 deposition in the ocean by observing a PH colour change.

4. Showcase for kids in a daily nursery- Gondomar, October 2021