Associate Editor of Heredity (2019-present)
Guest editor of a special issue in Speciation in Marine Environments at Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2019-2021)
Guest co-editor of a special issue in Ecological Speciation at the International Journal of Ecology (2011-2012)
Reviewer- journals
Plos Genetics
Molecular Ecology
Molecular Ecology Resources
Nature Communications
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Genome Biology and Evolution
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Conservation Genetics
Frontiers in Genetics
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Journal of Molluscan Studies
Journal of Heredity
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
BMC Evolutionary Biology
Axios Review
Journal of Applied Ecology
Marine Biology
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Journal of Fish Biology
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation
Fishery Bulletin
Integrative and Comparative Biology
Mammal Review
Reviewer - international research projects
2025. Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation
2023. Reviewer for the Polish National Science Centre
2022. Reviewer for the Czech Science Foundation
2022. Reviewer for ERC Starting Grant, European Union
2022. Reviewer for the Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom
2021. Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (Eccellenza programme)
2015. Reviewer for the Polish National Science Centre
2014. Reviewer for the Polish National Science Centre
2013. Reviewer for the Czech Science Foundation
Reviewer - PhD programs
2020. Member of the Juri that evaluated the candidates of the PhD BYT program at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, University of Porto, Portugal.
Reviewer - theses' committees
2024. Member of the thesis evaluation committee (main opponent) of the master student João Ferreira. University of Porto, Portugal
2024. Member of the thesis evaluation committee of the PhD student Paulo Pereira. University of Porto, Portugal.
2022. Member of the thesis evaluation committee of the PhD student Nina Séren. University of Porto, Portugal.
2022. Member of the thesis evaluation committee (main opponent) of the master student Bernardo Lima. University of Porto, Portugal.
2022. Member of the thesis evaluation committee (main opponent) of the master student João Souto. University of Porto, Portugal
2015-2020. Member of the thesis committee (external) of the PhD student Jonathan Fernández Rodríguez. University of Vigo, Spain.
2015-2018. Member of the thesis committee (external) of the PhD student Daniel Estévez Barcia. University of Vigo, Spain.
2016. Member of the thesis evaluation committee (main opponent) of the master student Susana Almeida. University of Porto, Portugal
2014. Member of the thesis evaluation committee (main opponent) of the GABBA PhD student João Alves. University of Porto, Portugal.
2014. Member of the thesis evaluation committee (main opponent) of the master student Maria Silva. University of Lisbon, Portugal.
2013. Member of the thesis evaluation committee of the PhD student Francisco Marco Rius. University of Vigo, Spain.
2012. Member of the thesis evaluation committee (main opponent) of the master student Helder Henrique Ribeiro Rocha. University of Aveiro, Portugal.
2011. Member of the thesis evaluation committee (main opponent) of the master student Rui Oliveira. University of Porto, Portugal.
2009. Member of the thesis evaluation committee of the PhD student Monica Martínez Fernández. University of Vigo, Spain.
Organization of conferences and courses
• 2025. Mértola Evolution Conferences– 2025 edition: Speciation: from field studies to genomics (to happen in April 2025)
• 2024. XX Portuguese Society Evolutionary Biology meeting (ENBE), Vila do Conde, Portugal
• 2023. XIII ISOLBE: International Symposium on Littorinid Biology and Evolution. Vila do Conde, Portugal
• 2023. Workshop on Eco-Evolutionary dynamics during environmental change (two editions)
• 2019. XV Portuguese Society Evolutionary Biology meeting (ENBE), Porto, Portugal
• 2018. Marine Speciation session in the Marine Evolution conference, Strömstad, Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden
• 2015. Symposium "Charting the genomic landscape of speciation" at the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) Lausanne, Switzerland
• 2015. “Programming for Evolutionary Biology Conference (PEB 2015)”, CIBIO, Portugal
• 2013. Symposium "Genomic Islands: their role in adaptation and speciation" at ESEB 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
• 2013. “Advances in Ecological Speciation” international conference, CIBIO, Portugal
• 2012 - 2017. “Programming for Evolutionary Biology” extended course (five editions) held at the Univ. of Leipzig, Germany (http://evop.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/?page_id=11)
• 2011. “First-like” - Faculty Institutes for Reforming Science Teaching (FIRST) IV Workshop at CIBIO, Portugal
• 2011. “The Bioinformatics Roadshow - Porto” workshop at CIBIO, Portugal (Main host organizer together with the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
• 2010. “TIBE2010 - Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution” international conference, CIBIO, Portugal (Main organizer together with Catarina Pinho and José-Melo Ferreira)
Memberships to relevant societies
2024-present. President of the Portuguese Society for Evolutionary Biology.
2023-present. Vice-president of the Portuguese Society for Evolutionary Biology.
2019-present. Member of the Genetics Society.
2011- present. Member of the Portuguese Society for Evolutionary Biology (created in 2011).
2011-2012. Member of the direction board of the commission that created the Portuguese Society for Evolutionary Biology (role: Secretary).
2004-present. Member of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology.
Participation in Scientific Committees
2024.Member of the scientific committee of the XX ENBE conference.
2023.Member of the scientific committee of the XIX ENBE conference.
2023.Member of the scientific committee of the XIII ISOLBE conference.
2022. Member of the scientific committee of the conference TiBE 2022 - THE BIOLOGY OF COLOUR.
2019. Member of the scientific committee of the XV Portuguese Meeting of Evolutionary Biology. CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal.
2015. Member of the scientific committee of the X Portuguese Meeting of Evolutionary Biology. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Caparica, Portugal.
2013. Member of the scientific committee of the IX Portuguese Meeting of Evolutionary Biology. Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal.
2011. Member of the scientific committee of the VII Portuguese Meeting of Evolutionary Biology. Science Museum, Coimbra, Portugal.
Other relevant activities
• Cosignatory of the manuscript
Ripple WJ, Wolf C, Newsome TM, Galetti M, Alamgir M, Crist E, Mahmoud MI, Laurance WF, 15,364 scientist signatories from 184 countries (2017) World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice. BioScience, 67, 1026–1028.